Tt takes more than one email to get most subscribers back, in which case a chain of multiple emails is created, or the main email is automatically triggered and resent to customers who didn’t open it last time. In a separate letter, “sleeping” KotoPhoto subscribers receive a survey about the reasons why they stopped reading the newsletter, which allows them to understand what the store should pay special attention to. The main goal of the reactivation scenario is the very fact of opening the letter – after that, the subscriber again falls into the active segment, further work is underway with him to regain interest in the mailing list.

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To additionally motivate the client to go to the site immediately from the letter, it contains two promotional codes that are activated depending on the amount of the Venezuela Mobile Number List  purchase. Here is a personalized selection of products. Reactivation mailing list For six months since the launch of the reactivation campaign, more than 8.5% of subscribers from the “sleeping” segment have returned to communication with the store. Increasing Metrics with A/B Testing The development of an email channel requires constant implementation of improvements – improving the template, the format for presenting goods, and the content of the letters itself.

Phone Number List

Intervals You can learn more about how statistical

IN order to track changes in metrics and minimize risks, the Retail Rocket team uses A/B testing mechanics. We will talk about the two most successful hypotheses implemented in the KotoPhoto mailing lists. Case 1. Block “Best in category” When a customer is looking Mailing Data Pro for something in a huge range, he is guided by ratings and reviews to choose the best, popular and bought for himself. We made this task easier and demonstrated in the letter the products that meet the interests of a particular subscriber: bestsellers – the most popular products in a store or in a certain category; the best novelties are the new products in which the.

By eaias

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