The same time technologies are also developing to prevent such activitiesincluding through number blocking. In the next quartergrowth may be about Mr. Dvoryansky believes. Stanislav Kuznetsov Deputy Chairman of the Board of SberbankApril : On February immediately after the start of the special operationthe calls stopped. The scammers managed to make several hundred callsand then there was almost complete silence until the th of March. Alexei Sizovan independent information security expertadds thaton the one handthe maturity and immunity to social engineering among citizens is growingbuton the other handits variability allows you to still find a victim.

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The constant change in the elements of the schemes and the right moment are the decisive factors for the success of scammersMr. Sizov explains. According to Alexei Lukatskyan South Korea Phone Numbers List  independent information security expert citizens continue to believe scammers because call centers have qualified psychologists who put pressure on pain points including curiosityfearand a desire to help. It is necessary to purposefully work with the population in the framework of improving financial literacy and the formation of the basic principles of digital hygiene emphasizes Alexander Dvoryansky.

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Especially he adds such training and awareness raising would be relevant for people of retirement age as the most vulnerable segment. From phishing to viruses: how scammers rob Russian gamers From phishing to viruses: how scammers rob Russian gamers Kaspersky Lab Mailing Data Pro has recorded a surge in phishing aimed at Warface players About addresses of fraudulent sites targeted at users of the online shooter Warface have appeared on the Russian Internet. Most of them were registered in Infosecurity a Softline Company told Gazeta.Ru. According to information security specialists all these resources were created to steal accounts from gamers and then extort money in exchange for the return of access. At the same timeexperts noted that Warface is not the only game project on whose behalf cybercriminals profit: the games Brawl Stars Counter.

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