How to understand why customers leave and reduce their churn using a system analysis of customer data: Petshou case How to understand why customers leave and reduce their churn using a system analysis of customer data: Petshopu case At the same time, a significant part of customers is ready to return if the problems are fixed.  Interestingly, new customers are more willing to give a second chance than loyal ones: 89% versus 73%. This shows how important it is to retain loyal customers and not disappoint them. Survey Of course, in reality, not every lost customer who promises to return will actually return after the problems are fixed.

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But even a small percentage of return is a victory for the company, both in the field of customer service and financially. How to understand why customers leave and reduce their churn using a system analysis of customer data: case “Sometimes research reveals surprising facts. For example, among pet stores, Petshop offline stores turned out to be the main competitors for the online store: 15% of respondents Croatia Mobile Number List  switched to them. Offline stores are chosen because they are close to home or work, it is convenient to buy goods as needed and there is no connection to delivery,” Alena Gracheva, head of the Kleptomania agency.

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INterpreting the results The identified problems were distributed among different departments, and a solution was made for each separately based on the company’s strategy. All tasks were also divided into Mailing Data Pro  short-term, which can be solved in the near future, which means almost immediately get the result, and long-term, which require a more serious approach or significant resources. Quick fixes include fixing technical issues with the website and checkout, or conducting competitive analysis on loyalty programs to make the bonus system more attractive, etc. And to global solutions: work with the availability of goods, over problems with delivery and pricing.

By eaias

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