Twitch guide in What it is and how it works

If you are thinking about starting to use one of the largest streaming. Platforms for your brand or business and don’t know where to start, this guide is for you. Here you will learn to better understand what this platform is, who it belongs to. What strengths Twitch has when it comes to using it for your company and how to start using it to broadcast. Live videos or how to consume content through Twitch in a way graphic and simple.

A streaming platform

That belongs to the Amazon company, and its functionality is to executive email list transmit. Free live video content , focused on video games, although in recent years the content catalog has been expanding. To other sectors such as fashion, marketing, music, events, travel, etc. Twitch was born from the platform called Justin.TV in 2007 by Justin Kan and. Emmet Shear, going through a process of changes and modifications until it was acquired. By Amazon in 2014 for more than 970 million dollars. What is Twitch for my company or business. And the truth is that I have dedicated a lot of time to my family (the last months of the year have been very hard) and to myself, less than I wanted. But life is like that, and you have to be there when they need you . 

Twitch guide a great platform

Boost the visibility of your business through live video content . It is a golden opportunity to be able to offer longer and slower content than other platforms. Since the. Twitch guide generally does not go to a channel to watch short content. It is a great showcase for service sectors or professionals who Mailing Data Pro telework at home to show. How they work and in what way by transmitting their workday live. If you start to grow on the platform, you have the opportunity to get sponsorships according to the type of content you offer.

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