Economic war for Russia: harsh sanctions from the Unit States the European Union and a number of other countries as well as a mass exodus of Western companies including those operating in the field of telecommunications and information technology from the Russian market. Some of them simply ceas their activities leaving customers in Russia without support and updates others refus to renew current licenses and sell new ones and still others significantly limit the portfolio of products and services for domestic customers. Even if the Western vendor continues to serve customers in Russia will inevitably have problems with payment since Western payment systems have stopp working in our country.

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On the territory of the Russian Feration their functions are perform by NSPK Many experts already call the current situation a “new reality in which both the Russian IT industry and consumers of its products and services have to live and exist. Fortunately all these events Spain Phone Numbers List did not take Russian IT companies by surprise. In the country at the state level for many years a systematic policy has been carri out to replace foreign solutions with domestic analogues. And if quite recently there were skeptics of this approach who argu about where they say the world giants who have been working in Russia for more than a dozen years will go today their voices are no longer heard.

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Omestic enterprises in turn fac a global task: to urgently migrate to Russian analogues of foreign systems doing this as quickly safely and at no extra cost as possible. Didn’t wait. According to Vitaliy Balanda head of digital consulting practice at Reksoft there are several Mailing Data Pro layers of problems that the IT departments of enterprises face: infrastructure data applications processes (agility / restructuring) and people. “Each of them has its own risks he says. – The first one is the infrastructure that is common for all large enterprises. There is already a shortage of infrastructure on which information systems are deploy Due to.

By eaias

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