More search queries for driving a car from Kazakhstan than a month earlier from Japan – by Leonid Chirico a leading analyst at Search Inform estimated . According to his estimates thousands of people could already fall for the tricks of scammers. Domestic standards in the field of IT. Opinion of market participants expert comments What positive trends in the formation of domestic IT standards can be noted and what is the risk of the lack of standards necessary for the IT market? What factors influence the formation of domestic IT standards and is world practice still important for this process? This is discussed at the virtual round table ICT-Onlineu by experts.

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From JSC Digital Platforms and Smart City Solutions part of the division of the State Corporation Rosa tom – JSC Ruston Infrastructure Solutions T Group Electronic Office Denmark Cell Phone Number List  Systems Group EOS and Angara Security. ICT-Online: How do you assess the current initiatives to adopt domestic IT standards? Which of them are the most important? Give examples of the positive impact of adopting standards. Technical Director of JSC Digital Platforms and Smart City Solutions part of the division of the State Corporation Rosa tom – JSC Rubato Infrastructure Solutions.

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Alexander Kasyanov: You can evaluate initiatives to adopt domestic standards by the impact on drivers and they are different for different products. For some it is quality for others it is cost for others it is compliance with regulations and for others it is safety. In general we did not carry out purposeful separate work to assess the impact of changes in standards but local changes are felt to be positive. The most important in our opinion are Industry . end-to-end digitalization information security changes in the th GOST. If we talk about trends the changes are not quite tangible. ISOs are still localized just as often still often – without proper adaptation. Against this background information security standards stand out they are better developed.

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