FExperts from Angara Security reported. A trie and teste approach for years was the promotion of a win. win online lottery to attract the attention of potential victims. At the same time for greater persuasiveness the appearance of the fake site.Was designe using the logos of popular brands of manufacturers. Of completely Different products experts say. As soon as the user got to the site of the attacker he was aske to take a short survey. At the end of which it was specifie which messengers and social networks the participant uses most often. At the next stage it was propose to choose the cells of the lottery ticket behind which the winnings were supposedly hen.

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One of the conditions is to share with friends a link generate taking into account the answer to the. question about the preferre means of communication. IN this way the scammers sought to spread the phishing link. on behalf of real users counting Jiangsu Mobile Phone Number List on increase trust. From the recipients. Having fulfille the conditions the participant could go. To the next page where it was reporte that the application for the prize was accepte for consideration. Here the user was offere a link to download the application. to receive a gift and aitional bonuses. To encourage the winner to act faster a countdown form was place on the same page. It is noteworthy that the attackers promote.

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The application through the official Google Pay store. After downloading the application one could be convince of the veracity of the negative reviews – the first visible Mailing Data Pro banner of the program Offere to use the trial period and Immediately subscribe by. Connecting the premium. Version of the application Tatyana. Lyn ova an analyst at the Angara Security operational monitoring group explained. It can be conclude that.The active phishing campaign was most likely aimed.  At collecting money from gullible users and possibly banking data she saidusiness.

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