More value is given to the interactions that occur closer to the conversion. Therefore, the initial interaction receives the least amount of credit, whereas the final interaction will receive the most value.

This can be a beneficial attribution model if your business relies heavily on building relationships.

This model does minimize marketing techniques at the top of the funnel, so it is best used for longer sales cycles like B2B purchases.

6. Position or U-Point

The position attribution model, also  to as  attribution, splits the value of a sale between the first interaction and the last interaction when the conversion occurs.

40% value is  to both the first and last interaction, while the 20% remaining is split between all other interactions.

Common Challenges With Marketing Attribution

Here is some extra and valuable advice from Brian Dean:

Other Important YouTube SEO Tips to Remember

What happens after you’ve done the b2b phone lists YouTube keyword research and are ready to post your video?

There are certain elements that you want to make sure you pay attention to in order to get the maximum number of benefits from all of that hard work.

Add the keyword to your title and description

It probably goes without saying, but we feel we need to include it here anyway. You want to make sure you add your keywords to your title and description fields on your video.

This will make it easy for both YouTube and Google to know what your content is about.

Name your file as your primary keyword

Phone Number List

You might not think it matters, but it is still super important to match the name of the file you upload to your chosen YouTube keyword.

Doing this gives the platform a good idea of what Mailing Data Pro your content is going to be about, which can make it easier to rank for certain niche terms.

Use closed captions

Closed captions are crawlable by search engines.

This means that by simply including the keyword in your video and then turning on this option, you can improve your visibility.

What’s even better is that you’re also making it easier to reach your audience, who might depend on these captions to be able to enjoy your content.

By eaias

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