Ode server on a workstation and on a regular home or office PC. In terms of office suites it is also easy to find an alternative. As far as information security software is concerne it is recognize all over the world. But there are also certain gaps that are still insufficiently mastere by domestic programmers. Our company works in the field of information security and I can say that it is in this industry that many alternatives to foreign products have been develope. This is no coincidence the rapid development was stimulate by the law on the protection of critical information infrastructure which obliges companies with CII facilities to switch to Russian software.

Products are worse they are just different

If you understand that the product provides critical processes for the operation of your company then it is better not just to use open source but to replace it with a domestic boxe solution that has the ability to technical support and meets basic security requirements if such a China Mobile Number List solution exists on the market . Nikolai Nashivochnikov (Gazinformservice) A lot of services and products have their analogues in Russia adds Pavel Guralnik (ISPsystem). – Starting from collaboration tools and ending with video conferencing products and platforms for virtualization orchestration of data center. infrastructure etc.

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They have their own history of creation

There is an alternative in the country but users have questions about the fact that many domestic solutions do not coincide with Western ones one to one. And this is not a matter of lack of functionality but a matter of habit and retraining of your employees. These are Mailing Data Pro  new solutions that nee to be purchase implemente integrate with other IT systems a tremendous amount of work nees to be done to train staff and generally understand how the solution works. Somewhere customers will have to compromise because the functionality of the domestic solution will not match the Western product. But it’s not a matter of that domestic.

By eaias

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