“What better for happiness in the company than being surrounded by adorable cats all day long?”, the managers of Ferray Corporation must have asked themselves. And said and done: the company adopted no less than 9 cats, each one more adorable. (If you need a fix of pussycats too, you can check out their adventures on their Twitter account .) Now, the employees of Ferray Corporation continue to engage in IT consulting and development, but their day-to-day work also includes a good dose of coddling and laughter. For their part. The adopted cats live among printers, computers and desks and seem to be more than happy, since they have human and feline company throughout the day.

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On the contrary: since they adopted the cats, the SMS Gateway Bulgaria stress of the employees has decreased and the personal environment has improved, giving rise to an increase in productivity . As incredible as it may seem, even if they are surrounded by cats that decide to take a nap on their keyboard, the employees of Ferray Corporation work more… because they are happier . In fact, the policy has been so successful that the company now also offers a bonus to workers who adopt a kitten. The key to a happy company: listening to employees What lesson can we draw from this curious story? That a happy company is a productive company, and a happy company goes through a happy team .

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He saw that they were not well due to the high Mailing Data Pro level of stress and looking for a solution, very Japanese, he adopted a group of animals for the office. Nor is it now about putting all of us cats in our office (there may be some allergy sufferers ha ha), but for there to be an atmosphere of happiness in the company , the day-to-day work of the team must adapt in some way to the needs of each one and not only those of the boss. Maybe your employees want to put their own photos on the walls.

These kinds of small details, although it may seem that they do not directly contribute to productivity, help make the space feel like “theirs” and therefore they are more motivated to offer the best of themselves. Or maybe their needs involve having more flexibility in their work schedules, better organizing meetings or having some time in their workday to develop their own projects. Be that as it may .

By eaias

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