Card Product; Page of the “empty” product card; Search page, etc. For example, in the product card in the mobile application of the Hoff online hypermarket, the buyer sees two blocks of recommendations at once. The first is related products that can complement the current product. The second block is alternative proposals. These products can attract attention if the product in the card for some reason does not suit the buyer. How personalization of a mobile application allows you to implement a customer-centric approach: cases of Hoff, SberMegaMarket and Rive Gauche Results: 12% of shoppers use recommendations in a mobile app; 5 .

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OF mobile app orders contain recommended products; Recommendations provide 5.5% of mobile app revenue; The average check of buyers who use recommendations is 21% higher than that of other customers in the mobile app. We create a single client profile based on data from different channels Combining data from different channels (online store, application and Bolivia Mobile Number List offline purchase history) allows you to create a single customer profile. All data is collected in one place, synchronized in real time and serves as the basis for further communications with the client: personal recommendations on the website and in the mobile application, email newsletters, push notifications, etc.

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All this helps create a customer-centric approach and facilitates the Customer Journey. RIVE GAUCHE online store case RIVE GAUCHE is one of the largest operators on the Russian perfumery and cosmetics market with over 25 years of history. However, the integration Mailing Data Pro of personalization into a mobile application already allows you to collect data about online and offline purchases in order to use them for further communication. At the moment, one personal recommendation widget is installed on the main page of the application, which is already giving positive results. This is how the product selection on the main screen of the RIVE.

By eaias

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